The Great Miracles

You shall clearly witness here in these Documents
that THE GOD (AL-LAH) has Created HIS Book of Universe and HIS Book of Religion
based on these same "19" coded, most Superb and matchless "Symmetrical MIRACLES,"
from the very Beginning!


So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.


So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

The Most-Superb WISDOM of/in “1000 Months” here! (=97/1-3)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

The GIANTS have been Defeated on "September 11, 2001" Foretold here! (=30/2-3)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

The MOON has Split, on "October 09, 2009" Foretold here! (=54/1)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Great American Eclipse, on "August 21, 2017" Foretold here! (=47/18)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

QuintEssential MIRACLES in "4" Fundamental Forces of our Universe! (=7/185)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Superb MIRACLE in "Essential Ingredients of Life!" (=41/53)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

AL-LAH’s Awesome Signature on “Fibonacci Sequence," now here! =41/53

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

AL-LAH’s Awesome Signature on “Golden Ratio," now here! =41/53

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Awesome MIRACLE in "46" Chromosomes & "206" Bones of Human! (=51/21)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Excellent MIRACLE in "28" Normal & "4" Wisdom Teeth of Human! (=51/21)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Magnificent MIRACLE in "the Sun" & "the Moon" here! (=6/96)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Magnificent MIRACLE in "7" Main Planets here! (=23/17)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Awe-Inspiring MIRACLE in "8" Major Planets here! (=69/17)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Outstanding MIRACLE in "8" Major Planets here! (=67/15)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Dazzling MIRACLE in "8" Major Planets here! (=37/6)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Stunning MIRACLE in "8" Major Planets here! (=37/6)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.

Astounding MIRACLE in "8" Major Planets here! (=37/6)

So do you know what "Saqar" is? It does not let-last, and it does not let-stay. (Then it presents) Tables for the humanity. Upon it is "19!" (Quran Testament 74/27-30)

Please, Click Here To Witness This Miracle.